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Summit for the Youth

The summit for the youth was a three day summit, with different panels ranging from sustainability to politics for high school students in Mexico City. The purpose of the event was to inspire young students to take action for a: cleaner, equal and just Mexico, and to approach them to revolutionary individuals in the industry and politics that could inspire and guide them in that direction. 

The entire event was organized by me and other four senior highs school students. As secretary of external affairs of the project, I spent six months recruiting companies to sponsor our project. I reached out to remarcable public figures and business owners to invite them to share their success story, and I traveled all over Mexico city and its neighboring states to invite high school students to participate. 


When the summit week finally arrived, we had more than twenty five hundred  attendees, made possible by the $150,000 that I had gathered through fundraising and sponsors. High profile people, such as the current secretary of finance in Mexico Tatiana Clouthier and GE Mexico’s CEO Valdimiro de la Mora, were among the speakers. We even had national coverage with the journal El Heraldo, making the cover with the title, “Youth, key for new technologies”. 

My complete address to the 2,500 attendees at the morning of the closing day of the event 

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